“Wake up, Ruslan!” is a novel about a seemingly successful man who entered his midlife crisis, about his search for himself and for true love.
Ruslan lived a real happy life. His small business not only was making a profit quite enough for more than a decent living, but also was allowing him enough free time for self-development and pleasure. His wife not only was a beauty who loved him deeply, but she also closed her eyes to husband’s frequent love affairs with other women.
Suddenly, a new love affair, that seemed to Ruslan at first just a passing sexual liaison, changed his life dramatically. He realized that he had to choose between leaving his wife for his new love and continuing to live as before.
Ruslan’s life experience told him that even the new marriage will not change anything in him: as soon as his romantic feelings to his new female lover will lose their freshness, he will again fall in love with other women. So, Ruslan listened to the voice of reason and didn’t change his life. He broke up with his mistress, who went to another country soon after that. But then he felt that it was a mistake.
Trying to get back the love of his mistress, Ruslan went from Saint Petersburg to Paris and then to other cities. As he embarked on a physical journey, he also launched himself on a journey through his memories, thoughts and feelings, trying to understand himself and to understand what he wants from his life.
The outcome of his wanderings would be surprising even to Ruslan himself. But it would be the outcome which is worth making a long journey.